Quality Workflows

The Quality Management SuiteApp delivers workflow templates that you can copy and deploy with minimal setup.

To access a template, go to Customization > Workflow > Workflows.

Quarantine Workflow

The Quarantine workflow monitors inspection transitions. It uses a custom SuiteFlow script to perform a NetSuite Bin Transfer or Inventory Status Change to designate items as quarantined and subsequently released.


To configure the Quarantine workflow, you must enable bin transfer and check the item Use Bins box.

The following diagram describes the Quarantine workflow:


To learn more, see Creating a Workflow.

SuiteFlow Configuration

You can use the Quality Receipt Quarantine SuiteFlow script in the following workflow states:

The following diagram shows the SuiteFlow script in the State Action list:

Status Pane

You can configure the SuiteFlow script to control behavior through the following parameters that are exposed in the State subtab, Action list.

The following table describes the Parameters subtab fields:



Move into Quarantine

A boolean value that indicates whether to apply the script or reverse the quarantine action. For example, bin-transfer into or out of the quarantine bin.

  • Select Yes for quarantine and pre-quarantine states.

  • Select No for release state.

Set Inventory Status

A boolean value that indicates whether the NetSuite action perform an Inventory Status Change.

Set identically on all states that use the script.

Quarantine Status ID

The internal inventory status record ID that represents all quarantined material.

  • Only set if Create Bin Transfer is set to Yes

  • Set identically on all states that use the script.

Create Bin Transfer

A boolean value that indicates whether NetSuite should perform Bin Transfer.

Set identically on all states that use the script.

Quarantine Bin

A boolean value that indicates whether NetSuite perform a Bin Transfer or an Inventory Status Change.

  • Set if Create Bin Transfer is set to Yes.

  • Set identically on all states that use the script.

Return to Vendor Workflow

The Return to Vendor workflow monitors inspection transitions. This workflow uses a custom SuiteFlow script to create a Vendor Return Authorization that starts item receipt return process that failed inspection.

The following diagram outlines the Return to Vendor workflow:


SuiteFlow Overview and Modification

The Quality Receipt Return SuiteFlow script is used when the workflow is in Returned state. This script reviews the inspection to identify the Purchase Order (P.O.) and the item receipt that generated it. The system then creates a new vendor return authorization (VRA) record from the receipt for all line items in the original receipt.


Carefully consider when modifying the baseline NetSuite script to better control the scope of the return. All modifications are the responsibility of the customer.

Potential Enhancements:

Leveraging Delivered Workflows

Quality Management workflows are not deployed and locked to ensure that:

Take the time to copy, configure, and enable workflows that support your Quality Management implementation.

To implement a bin transfer:

  1. Check the item Use Bins box.

    Do not modify workflow field IDs unless a custom script is attached to the workflow.

  2. Configure bins and statuses for the lot in the item receipt, if enabled.

To implement a status transfer:

  1. Go to Setup > Company > Company Features.

  2. In the Items & Inventory subtab, check the Inventory Status box.

    If Inventory status is checked, then status transfer functionality is required.

  3. To implement status transfer, clear the item bin option box.

    Do not modify workflow field ids unless a custom script is attached to the workflow.

  4. Configure bins and statuses for the lot in the item receipt, if enabled.


The Quality Receipt Quarantine workflow template supports the Receipt from Purchase Order transaction trigger. To use a similar workflow for other trigger types, attach a custom script with the implementation you want to use.

To copy a receipt quarantine workflow:

  1. Go to Customization > Workflow > Workflows.

  2. Click the Name link for the workflow you want to work with.

    The Release Status must be Suspended.

  3. In the Workflow page, click More and then click Make Copy.

    After all states are changed done, only newly created (copied) workflows should display Released status.

To create a Quarantine Pending Inspection:

  1. In the copied workflow, complete the following:

    1. Delete the Quarantine Pending Inspection action.

    2. Click New State.

    3. In the State popup window, click New Action.

    4. Click Quality Receipt Quarantine (Custom).

    5. Click Save.

    To create Released and Quarantine states, repeat steps a - e.

    To update the Released and Quarantine states, complete steps a to c.

  2. To customize the copied workflow, open the workflow.

  3. In the workflow page, click the Quarantined Pending Inspection state box.

  4. In the State panel, click Quality Receipt Quarantine:

    1. Ensure that the Move into Quarantine Value is Yes.

      • To enable bin transfer, click Create Bin Transfer.

      • To enable status transfer, click Set Inventory Status.

    2. Click Save.

  5. Click the Released state tile.

  6. In the Released panel, click Quality Receipt Quarantine:

    1. Clear the Move into Quarantine box.

    2. To enable status transfer, check the Set Inventory Status box.

    3. To enable bin transfer, check the Create Bin Transfer box.

    4. Click Save.

  7. Click the Quarantined tile.

  8. In the State panel click Quality Receipt Quarantine to update the following:

    1. Check the Move into Quarantine box.

    2. Clear the Quarantine Pending Inspection State box.

    3. Click Save.

To transfer a lot to quarantine:

  1. To optionally transfer the lot to quarantine, complete the following:

    1. Go to Lists > Accounting > Items.

    2. Next to the item you want to update, click Edit.

    3. In the Custom subtab, beside the item you want to update, click the Specification Context.

    4. In the Pre-Inspection Action field, select Quarantine.

    5. Click Save.

  2. To optionally transfer a lot from quarantine to a user configured bin after the inspection queue is processed, set a conformance rule:

    1. Go to Quality > Specifications > Search.

    2. Click List Specification.

    3. Next to the item you want to update, click Edit.

    4. In the Quality Specification Form, click the Conformance Rules subtab.

    5. Beside the rule you want to edit, click Edit.

    6. In the Action list, select Quarantine.

    7. Click Save.

Pre-inspection and Conformance Rule Queue Bin Status

The following table displays the queue status details and lot location based on pre-inspection action and conformance rule configurations. The quarantined bin must be defined in the workflow.

Serial Number

Inspection Queue Status

Pre-Inspection Status

Conformance Rule

Lot Bin


Pending/In work

Set to Quarantine

Set to Quarantine

Quarantine Bin



Set to Quarantine

Set to Quarantine

User Defined Bin



Set to Quarantine

Set to Quarantine

Quarantine Bin


Pending/In work

Not Set

Set to Quarantine

User Defined Bin



Not Set

Set to Quarantine

User Defined Bin



Not Set

Set to Quarantine

Quarantine Bin


Pending/In work

Set to Quarantine

Not Set

Quarantine Bin



Set to Quarantine

Not Set

User Defined Bin



Set to Quarantine

Not Set

Quarantine Bin

Pre-inspection and Conformance Rule Queue Lot Status

The following table displays the queue and lot status based on pre-inspection action and conformance rule configurations. The transferred status must be defined in the workflow.

Serial Number

Inspection Queue Status

Pre-Inspection Status

Conformance Rule

Lot Bin


Pending/In work

Set to Quarantine

Set to Quarantine

User Defined Status



Set to Quarantine

Set to Quarantine

Good Status



Set to Quarantine

Set to Quarantine

User Defined Status


Pending/In work

Not Set

Set to Quarantine

Good Status



Not Set

Set to Quarantine

Good Status



Not Set

Set to Quarantine

User Defined Status


Pending/In work

Set to Quarantine

Not Set

User Defined Status



Set to Quarantine

Not Set

Good Status



Set to Quarantine

Not Set

User Defined Status

Do not modify workflow field ids unless a custom script is attached to the workflow.

Currently the workflow Action parameter values, Quality Receipt Quarantine, should be same for all statuses. The values for Quarantine Bin and Quarantine Status ID should be the same for the Released, Quarantined Pending Inspection, and Quarantined states. For any other requirements, you can customize the workflow.

To implement bin transfer:

  1. Go to Lists > Accounting > Items > New (Administrator).

  2. Click Edit beside the item name.

  3. On the item record, click the Purchasing/Inventory subtab.

  4. Check the Use Bins box.

    For only status transfer, clear the use bin box.

  5. Click Save.

  6. To execute the status transfer:

    1. Go to Setup > Company > Enable Features.

    2. In the Items & Inventory subtab, check the Inventory Status box.

      When enabled, in the Item Receipt, configure lot Bins and Status.

  7. Click Save.

Configuring Workflows

Each NetSuite baseline workflow configuration is described in workflow sections.

To enable a workflow:

  1. in the workflow list, next to the newly copied workflow, click Edit.

  2. In the workflow, click the pencil icon.

  3. In the Release Status list, select Released.

  4. Click Save,

Creating Workflows

Workflows can be defined and implemented to work with the Quality SuiteApp in the same manner as NetSuite workflows. New workflows should:

To learn more, see Adding a Specification Conformance Rule.

Related Topics

General Notices