GL Matching Elements on Transaction Records

Installing the GL Matching SuiteApp adds the new GL Matching subtab to every supported standard transaction record. This subtab provides GL Matching-specific data related to the transaction record.


The GL Matching subtab is available to all standard matchable transactions except Vendor Prepayment and Vendor Prepayment Application.

For custom transactions, you must manually add the GL Matching subtab. For more information, see Adding the GL Matching Subtab to Custom Transactions.

The information in the subtab varies depending on whether you have the Full Multi-Book Accounting feature enabled in your NetSuite account or not.


If you disable or enable the Full Multi-Book Accounting feature after you have installed the GL Matching SuiteApp, the data in the subtab will be rendered inaccurate and may cause errors. To resolve this, you must contact the NetSuite Customer Support to have your GL Matching SuiteApp updated.

Content on this subtab is for viewing purposes only. You cannot match or unmatch transaction lines here. To do that, click Group Details. The link leads you to the GL Matching Dashboard which displays the transaction lines so that you can match or unmatch them.

You can add or edit the matching reference of transaction lines in a transaction. For more information, see Updating the Matching Reference on Transaction Records.

Adding the GL Matching Subtab to Custom Transactions

Installing the GL Matching SuiteApp adds the GL Matching subtab to every standard transaction record. You can add the GL Matching subtab to your custom transaction record that has been included in GL Matching.

To add the GL Matching subtab to a custom transaction record:

  1. Go to Customization > Forms > Sublists > List.

  2. Next to the GL Matching sublist, click Edit.

  3. Select your custom transaction from the Custom Transactions list.

  4. Click Save.

General Notices