Installing Project Risk Forecast

Before installing this SuiteApp, read Prerequisites for Project Risk Forecast.


Your account manager must enable required feature sets to ensure this SuiteApp works in your account. Contact your account manager for more information.

You must only install Project Risk Forecast during off-peak hours. Installation runs a scheduled script that modifies project records and sets the default risk level of all projects to None. Installation may take some time to finish.

To install Project Risk Forecast:

  1. Go to Customization > SuiteBundler > Search and Install Bundles.

  2. On the Search & Install Bundles page, use the following information to search for the SuiteApp:

    • Bundle Name: Project Risk Forecast

    • Bundle ID: 331180

  3. Click Project Risk Forecast to display its Bundle Details page.

    For more information, see Bundle Details.

  4. Click Install.

    If asked, allow NetSuite to automatically upgrade the SuiteApp when new updates become available. During the installation, click Refresh to get the latest status.

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