Viewing the Project Risk Forecast Report

The Project Risk Forecast report is available for charge-based projects that have an assigned risk level. To assign a risk level to a project, see Assigning a Risk Level to Projects.

The Project Risk Forecast report details the risk level and monthly forecasted charges per project based on the established charge rules for each project. You can filter the report by risk level and date.


The Project Risk Forecast report is available only to roles in the Classic and Accounting centers. By default, project manager roles have no access to this report. You can contact your administrator to request for access.

To view the Project Risk Forecast report:

  1. Go to Reports > Project Risk > Project Risk Forecast.

  2. In the Risk Level Any Of field, select a risk level to filter the report by risk level.

    You can select any or all risk levels. By default, all risk levels are selected.

  3. In the Date field, select a date range to filter the report by date.

  4. Click Refresh.

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