
With the Sweden Localization SuiteApp, it is possible to generate an SIE file.

To generate an SIE file:


The SIE Feature has an automatic re-execution of the Map/Reduce script to handle large data sets. To avoid getting the script to occupy the queue for a long period of time, it is best to generate the SIE over the weekend. If you need to process large data sets regularly, it is best to have a SuiteCloud Plus license.

  1. Go to Lists > Custom > SIE File Export V2.

  2. (Optional) To change the default subsidiary, select a different subsidiary from the Subsidiary list.

  3. To define the date range for transactions, from the Date Filter list, select one of the following:

    • To use the transaction date as a filter, select Transaction Date, and then enter the date range in the Start Date and End date fields.

    • To use the accounting periods as a filter, select Period Date, and then enter the date range in the Period Start and Period End fields.

  4. From the SIE Type list, select one of the following options:

    • Type 1 – Year End Balance

    • Type 2 – Period Balance

    • Type 3 – Profit Centre

    • Type 4E – Transactions

  5. Click the Create SIE File button.

  6. After the SIE File generates, the following links appear:

    • To review the status of the file creation, click the link for status page.

    • To view the file, click the link for file cabinet.

  7. To create another export, click Reset Parameters.

  8. To view the status of SIE export, go to Customization > Scripting > Map/Reduce Script Status.

  9. When the export is finished, go to Documents > Files > File Cabinet into the SIE Export folder.

  10. Click Download next to the newly generated file.

    The downloaded SIE file can be imported into an external financial system.

Workflow setup

There are two workflows in every localization SuiteApp:

  • Localization Nordics TXN BeforeSubmit (ID: customworkflow_sta_exsalestax) that replaced the Localization EC Sales Taxes (retains the same ID) and VAT detailed summary workflow

  • Localization Nordics TXN AfterSubmit (ID: customworkflow_sta_invoicerefnum) that replaced the Localization Invoice Reference No (retained the same ID) and Invoice PDF workflow

These two workflows perform the following functions:

  • EC Sales Tax

  • Invoice Reference Number

  • Invoice PDF

  • VAT Detailed Summary

How to create a copy of workflow:

  1. Go to Customization > Workflow > Workflows.

  2. Click on the name of a workflow, to view it.

  3. Click More... in the right-hand corner and select Make Copy.

  4. Click the pencil icon to edit the copied workflow.

  5. From the Release Status list, select Released.

  6. In the Name field, enter the name of the workflow (for example, prefixing it with the company’s name).

  7. Click Save.


If you want to enable workflow only for Nordics subsidiaries, you can add the subsidiary in the workflow condition.

Related Topics:

General Notices