Trace Preferences

Set the preferences for tracing by going to Reports > Lot / Serial Trace > Trace Preferences. The following table lists the preferences for using the SuiteApp:



Email Settings

Email Sender

Select the employee record whose email address you want to use for sending the trace results.

Successful Email Template

Select the email template for sending the trace results.

Error Email Template

Select the email template for sending the error report when the trace is unsuccessful.

Email Recipient

Enter the email addresses of the recipients. Separate the email addresses by a comma.

The total number of email addresses in Email Recipient, Email CC, and Email BCC fields combined cannot exceed 10.

Export File Format

Select the default file format in which you want to export the trace report. You can change the default format from the Export File Format field in the Lot Trace and Serial Number Trace pages.

Concise Report

When you check the Concise Report box, the SuiteApp exports only the first level after expansion of trace details in the report. If not checked, the SuiteApp exports the complete trace report. The status of this box is by default the status of the Concise Report box in the Lot Trace and Serial Number Trace pages.

Email CC

Enter the email addresses that you want to add in email carbon copy (CC). Separate the email addresses by a comma.

The total number of email addresses in Email Recipient, Email CC, and Email BCC fields combined cannot exceed 10.

Email BCC

Enter the email addresses that you want to add in email blind carbon copy (BCC). Separate the email addresses by a comma.

The total number of email addresses in Email Recipient, Email CC, and Email BCC fields combined cannot exceed 10.

Transaction Display Settings

Maximum Rows Per Page

Enter the maximum number of rows to display per page in the search results.

Enter a number between 10 and 500. By default, the value is 500.

The SuiteApp aggregates multiple rows of same transaction type on the basis of Lot Number and inbound/outbound. Therefore, the number of rows shown in the trace results can be different from the number of rows counted per this preference.

Transaction Date Range

The number of days between the Start Date and End Date fields in the Lot Trace and Serial Number Trace pages.

Enter a number between 1 and 9999.

Transaction Display Settings Sublist

From this sublist, select the transactions that you want to display in the subtabs.

The supported transaction types for the Lot and Serial Number Trace SuiteApp are purchase receipt, transfer receipt, intercompany transfer receipt, customer return, assembly build/work order, sales shipment, transfer shipment, intercompany transfer shipment, vendor return, inventory transfer, inventory adjustment, bin putaway worksheet, bin transfer.

You can override these settings in the Lot Trace page or Serial Number Trace page.

Related Topics

General Notices