Viewing Trace Results

After performing the item trace, you can view the result of the trace. The results appear in the subtabs on the Lot Trace or Serial Number Trace pages.

The SuiteApp traces and displays the following transactions in subtabs for assembly and inventory item trace:


Assembly Item Trace

Inventory Item Trace


  • Work orders, completions, and assembly builds of the traced item and its multilevel components. For the first level components, the subtab also displays the issued quantity. However, if the first level components have multiple orders, the quantity will be blank. For further levels, the quantity is indirectly consumed and therefore not displayed.

  • Assembly unbuilds of the traced item


When multiple assembly builds or completions are created through a work order, their components and built assemblies are grouped and displayed at same work order level.

Not applicable

Consumed By

Work orders and assembly builds where the traced item or forward assemblies of the traced item were consumed. Indirectly consumed quantities are not displayed.

Assembly unbuilds of the forward assemblies where the traced item was consumed


When multiple assembly builds or completions are created through a work order, their components and built assemblies are grouped and displayed at same work order level.

Component Receipts

Following transactions of the multilevel component items of the traced item:

  • Purchase receipts

  • Transfer receipts

  • Intercompany transfer receipts

Not applicable

Purchase Receipts

Not applicable

Purchase receipts of the traced item

Other Transactions

Following transactions of the traced item:

  • Inventory adjustments

  • Inventory transfers

  • Bin transfers

  • Bin putaway worksheets


Following transactions of the traced item and its forward assemblies:

  • Sales shipments

  • Transfer shipments

  • Intercompany transfer shipments

  • Vendor returns

Customer Returns and Assembly Receipts

Following transactions of the traced item and its forward assemblies:

  • Customer returns

  • Transfer receipts

  • Intercompany transfer receipts

  • Purchase receipts of the traced item

Not applicable

Customer Returns and Transfer Receipts

Not applicable

Following transactions of the traced item and its forward assemblies:

  • Customer returns

  • Transfer receipts

  • Intercompany transfer receipts

Quality Data (Available only if the Quality Management SuiteApp is installed)

Quality data of the traced item

You can filter the trace results by enabling or disabling the options in the Transaction Display Settings sublist.


The Lot and Serial Number Trace SuiteApp supports assembly builds created from work orders or independently created assembly builds. If an assembly build is created through any other transactions, the data will be inconsistent.


In the trace results:

  • Hover over the item name in the trace result to see the item's display name.

  • If an item is listed in the trace result, trace that item by clicking Trace on the item's result row.

Information in the Quality Data Subtab

If you have the Quality Management SuiteApp installed and you enable viewing quality data, the quality information for the lot number displays in the Quality Data subtab. For more information about enabling quality data, read Enabling Quality Data.

The results in this subtab do not depend on the transaction display settings. Also, the selections in the Location and Subsidiary filters do not apply to the results in this subtab.

The inspection date in the results is filtered based on the selection in the Start Date and End Date fields.

For more information about the Quality Management SuiteApp, read Quality Management Overview.

Additional Fields in Trace Results

The following additional fields appear in the trace results:

Field Name

Lot Trace

Serial Number Trace

Total Quantity on Hand (Base Unit)

Displays the total quantity on hand for the lot, in base unit.

Displays the total quantity on hand for the lot, in base unit.

Total Quantity on Hand (Stock Unit)

Displays the total quantity on hand for the lot, in stock unit.

Displays the total quantity of the item, in stock unit.

Location Quantity on Hand (Base Unit)

(This field is available only when you select a specific location)

Displays the quantity on hand for the lot at the location, in base unit.

Displays the total quantity of the item at the location, in base unit.

Location Quantity on Hand (Stock Unit)

(This field is available only when you select a specific location)

Displays the quantity on hand for the lot at the location, in stock unit.

Displays the total quantity of the item at the location, in stock unit

Related Topics

General Notices