Setting EC-DUMMY-DK Tax Code on Foreign Customers Records

The automatic VAT code selection feature is applicable to all European Community customers that are foreign customers of the respective subsidiary. For example, for Denmark it would be customers located in Finland, Norway and so on. Before using this feature, the created tax code placeholder must be set on all such Customer records.

To set EC-DUMMY-DK by using mass update:

  1. Go to Lists > Mass Update > Mass Updates > General Updates > Customer.

  2. On the Criteria subtab, do the following:

    1. From the Filter list, select Primary Subsidiary. A popup window opens.

    2. Review that the Primary Subsidiary field displays the value any of.

    3. Select the applicable subsidiary, and then click Set.

    4. From the Filter list, select Country. A popup window opens.

    5. From the Country list, select none of.

    6. In the text box, enter Denmark, and then click Set.

  3. On the Mass Update Fields subtab, check the Tax Item box, and select EC-DUMMY-DK.

  4. Click the Preview button.

  5. Review the records displayed and click Perform Update.

Another way to set the required dummy VAT code is to open a Customer record and set it manually in the Tax Item field on the Financial subtab.

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