Country-Specific Invoice Layout

Invoice Print Layout

To print invoices in Danish layout, the Invoice Template must be linked with the Invoice Transaction Form.

To customize invoices for printing:

  1. Go to Customization > Forms > Transaction Forms.

  2. Click Edit next to the Danish Invoice Screen Form. If you do not have one, click Customize next to the Standard Invoice Form and save it as a custom invoice form.

  3. From the Print Template list, select Nordic Countries Invoice PDF/HTML Template.

  4. Click Save.

There is a single (consolidated) PDF/HTML template that reads the language of the Customer and prints the invoice accordingly. (Example is given for Sweden.)

Print Template field on a Custom Transaction Form page.

Also, the customer’s language has to be set to Danish. Open a Customer record and navigate to Preferences subtab:

Language field in the Preferences subtab.

The languages can only be added if they are first set under Setup > Company > General Preferences on the Languages subtab.

Printing Invoice in Customer’s Language

If the customer’s language is set to Danish language, the invoice is printed accordingly.

Click the Print icon and select Print.

Example of a printed invoice.

Subsidiary Specific Fields

Company information (name, phone, IBAN etc.) appears in the footer of the Invoice Layout. To set which information should be displayed, go to Setup > Company > Subsidiaries and click Edit next to the respective subsidiary. Enter the values you want to get printed.

Subsidiary specific fields on the Subsidiary setup page.

Sr. No

Field Name



Subsidiary Logo (Forms)

This value is mandatory for the template to print correctly, otherwise an error is thrown.


Company VAT

This is created as a separate field in case the standard field is no longer available, for example in case changes are required.


Company Business ID



Bank Account No.

Local bank account number for local currency, for example Giro (Sweden).


Company IBAN



Company IBAN 2

For payments in other currency, if required.


Company IBAN 3

For payments in additional currency, if required.


Company BIC



Company BIC 2

Linked to IBAN 2.


Company BIC 3

Linked to IBAN 3.


Place of Domicile

Sweden only.


Phone Number for Invoice



Company Email for Invoice



Overdue Interest


Related Topics:

General Notices