Subcontract Act and Purchase Order Numbering

The Japan Localization SuiteApp supports the Japan Subcontract Act and corresponding purchase order numbering when the Subcontract Act is applied to a vendor’s transactions.

To apply the Subcontract Act and Purchase Order Numbering:

  1. Go to Lists > Relationships > Vendors. On the Vendors list page, click the Edit link of the vendor record with a Japan subsidiary and with transactions that are subject to the Subcontract Act.

  2. Check the Apply Subcontract Act box.

  3. Click Save.

    Approved purchase orders created for that vendor will have the custom Print and Archive button and display the Print History subtab.

  4. Specify a folder where printed purchase orders will be saved to:

    1. Open the Japan Localization Setup subtab:

      • (With OneWorld) Go to Setup > Company > Subsidiaries. Edit a Japan subsidiary, and then click the subtab.

      • (Without OneWorld) Go to Setup > Company > Company Information, and then click the subtab.

    2. In the Save Printed PO In field, enter the file path to the folder where you want the system to automatically save printed purchase orders.

      A sample file path could be “Printed Purchase Orders/PO_2020_Q4”, where “PO_2020_Q4” is a subfolder in the default “Printed Purchase Orders” folder.


      The folder or subfolders that you indicate in the file path must be created or must exist in the File Cabinet; otherwise, an error is displayed.

    3. Click Save.


    If you do not specify a folder, printed purchase orders are saved in the Printed Purchase Orders folder by default.

Every time you click the custom Print and Archive button on a purchase order record, the PDF of the PO is generated and is saved to the folder you specified in the Save Printed PO In field. Also, the system automatically logs the number of times the purchase order was printed in the Number of Times Printed field on the Print History subtab of the purchase order.


However, the system does not track or log the number of times a purchase order was printed if you use the Print link on the Purchase Orders list page, from Transactions > Purchases > Enter Purchase Orders > List.

The Print History subtab also includes print details including Date and Time printed, the User Name who printed the PO, and the Print File column with links that open the PDF file of the PO.

If you clear the Apply Subcontract Act box, the system stops logging the number of times purchase orders are printed.

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