Limitations of the Philippines Localization SuiteApp

The following are known limitations of the Philippines Localization SuiteApp.

Foreign Currency

Foreign currency is not supported yet. If you email or print a Philippines document that uses foreign currency, the system will display a warning message. However, the transaction will still be saved.

Unlocked Templates

Philippines PDF/HTML templates and their folder, from Customization > Forms > Advanced PDF/HTML Templates, cannot be locked. This means if you edit the templates directly, the changes will be overridden the next time the SuiteApp is upgraded. Instead, you should save an edited template as another copy using Save As.

VAT Reg Number in Printing Multiple Invoices

For customer payment transactions, when printing official receipts and collection receipts, the VAT Reg Number in the header is copied from the VAT Reg Number of the first invoice being paid. When paying for multiple invoices, select only those that have similar VAT Reg Number. The Philippines Localization SuiteApp does not have validation to check this.

Custom Fields are Hidden if Locations Feature is Disabled

The following applies to the Locations feature:


It is possible that the Locations feature is already enabled even before installing the SuiteApp.

If you want to enable the Locations feature and have already installed the Philippines Localization SuiteApp, you should first request NetSuite Support to file an issue for reinstallation of the SuiteApp on your account.

General Notices