Putting Away Items Using Carts

For warehouses with bins, you can load received and staged items onto a cart to move them to their destination bin locations. After you post an item receipt for a purchase order, you can move the items from the inbound staging bin onto a cart. Then, you can put away or transfer the items to their storage bins.

If you activate rules, such as Tally Scan and Enable bulk loading, the process flow may vary when you put away items from your mobile device. For more information, see System Rules for NetSuite WMS.

Step A. Loading Items onto a Cart

Start the putaway process by transferring the received items onto a cart. If you have existing items on a cart and you want to put them away, proceed to step B.

To load items onto a cart:

  1. On the Main Menu page, tap Receiving.

  2. On the Receiving page, tap Putaway.

  3. On the Putaway page, tap Cart Moves.

  4. On the Enter Cart page, do one of the following:

    • In the Scan/Enter Cart field, scan or enter the name of the cart to which you want to add the received items. If you enter the data, tap Enter Cart to proceed.

    • From the Carts list, tap the name of the cart you want to select.

  5. On the Enter Staging Bin/Item page, do either of the following:

    • In the Scan/Enter Staging Bin/Item field, scan or enter the item or inbound staging bin. If you enter the data, tap Enter Staging Bin/Item to proceed.

    • From the Staging Bins list, tap the staging bin name or number.

  6. If you entered the bin, on the Enter Item page, do one of the following:

    • In the Scan/Enter Item field, scan or enter the item name, number, UCC, GS1 or composite item bar code, or alias. If you enter the data, tap Enter Item to proceed.

    • From the Items list, tap the item name or number.

    • If you want to change the staging bin, tap Change Staging Bin. To select a different inbound staging bin, see step 5.

    • If you activate the Enable bulk loading rule and want to transfer multiple items into a staging cart, tap Bulk Load. On the Select Items page, tap the box next to the items you want to transfer, and then tap Load Into Cart. If you have remaining items from the same cart, you are redirected to the Cart Details page. See step B5. Otherwise, the summary page appears.

    • If you are redirected from the Enter Quantity, Enter Lot, or Enter Serial Number page, and you want to put away the partial or loaded quantity of items, tap Putaway. Proceed to step B5.


      From the message at the top of the page, tap the cart name or number. The Items Added to Cart popup window appears from which you can view the item details.

  7. If you entered the item, on the Enter Bin page, do one of the following:

    • In the Scan/Enter Bin field, scan or enter the inbound staging bin that contains the received item. If you enter the data, tap Enter Bin to proceed.

    • From the list of staging bins, tap the bin name.

  8. For lot items, on the Enter Lot page, do one of the following:

    • In the Scan/Enter Lot field, scan or enter the lot number. If you enter the data, tap Enter Lot to proceed.

    • From the Expected Lots list, tap the lot number.

    • If you want to add the entire quantity of all expected lots, tap Load All. You are redirected to the Enter Item page. See step 6.

    • If you are redirected from the Enter Quantity page and you want to add the partial quantity of lot items to the cart, tap Skip. You are redirected to the Enter Item page. See step 6.

  9. On the Enter Quantity page, do the following:


    If you use Tally Scanning, you can scan the item bar codes until you reach the quantity you want to process. For lot or serialized items, enter or scan the lot or serial number after each item scan. If you have no remaining items to process, you are forwarded automatically to the next page.

    1. In the Enter Quantity field, enter the quantity you want to put away.

    2. (Optional) To change the default unit of an item associated with multiple units, in the field beside the Enter Quantity field, select the item’s unit.

    3. (Optional) If you use the Inventory Status feature, in the Inventory Status field, you can select the status of the item.

    4. Tap Enter Quantity.


      For serialized items, if you want to add all the serialized items to the cart, tap Load All. You are redirected to the Enter Item page. See step 6.

    If you entered a partial quantity, you are redirected to either of these pages: the Enter Item page for regular items (see step 6) or the Enter Lot page for lot items (see step 7).

  10. For serialized items, in the Scan/Enter Serial Number field, scan or enter the serial number. If you enter the data, tap Enter Serial Number to proceed.

    From the Available Serial Numbers list, view and copy the serial number.

    Repeat this step to enter all the serial numbers for the total quantity you want to load onto the cart. If you entered a partial quantity, you are redirected to the Enter Item page. See step 6.

You can unload the items from your cart and put them away for storage. See Manually Printing Labels from Your Mobile Device.

Step B. Putting Away Items from a Cart

After you load received and staged items onto a cart, you can transfer them to their storage bin locations.

If the cart contains multiple lot and serialized items, you can use the Put Away All option. You can put away all serialized items, all lot items, or both from the cart into a single bin. Make sure that all the items are configured to allow mixing items within the same bin. See Creating Items for NetSuite WMS.

To put away items from a cart:

  1. On the Main Menu page, tap Receiving.

    If you are already on the Cart Details page, continuing from step A, you can proceed to step 5.

  2. On the Receiving page, tap Putaway.

  3. On the Putaway page, tap Cart Moves.

  4. On the Enter Cart page, from the Carts list, tap the name of the cart that contains the received items you want to put away.

  5. On the Cart Details page, do one of the following:

    • In the Scan/Enter To Bin or Item field, scan or enter the item or destination bin. If you enter the data, tap Enter Item/Bin to proceed.

    • From the Items on Cart list, tap the item name or number.

    • If you want to add more items to the cart, tap Add Item. You are redirected to the Enter Staging Bin/Item page. See step A5.

  6. If you entered the item, on the Enter To Bin page, do one of the following:

    • In the Scan/Enter To Bin field, scan or enter the storage bin name or number. If you enter the data, tap Enter Bin to proceed.

    • In the Recommended Bin field or from the list of storage bins, tap the bin name or number.

  7. If you entered the bin, on the Enter Item page, do one of the following:

    • In the Scan/Enter Item field, scan or enter the item. If you enter the data, tap Enter Item to proceed.

    • From the Items on Cart list, tap the item you want to select.

    • For lot or serialized items, if you want to transfer all the items from the cart into the same bin, tap Put Away All. On the Put Away All page, review the putaway details, and then tap Confirm to proceed. Skip the rest of the steps.

  8. For lot items, on the Enter Lot page, do one of the following:

    • In the Scan/Enter Lot field, scan or enter the lot number. If you enter the data, tap Enter Lot to proceed.

    • From the Expected Lots list, tap the lot number.

    • If you want to transfer the entire quantity of lot items into the same bin, tap Put Away All. On the Put Away All page, review the putaway details, and then tap Confirm to proceed. Skip the rest of the steps.

  9. If you use the Inventory Status feature and the item has different statuses, on the Select Status page, tap the status from the list.

    Alternatively, to put away all the quantities shown in the list, tap Putaway All. On the Put Away All page, review the putaway details, and then tap Confirm to proceed. Skip the rest of the steps.

  10. On the Enter Quantity page, do the following:

    1. In the Enter Quantity field, enter the number of items you want to put away.

      Alternatively, for serialized items, if you want to transfer the entire quantity of serialized items into the same bin, tap Put Away All. On the Put Away All page, review the putaway details, and then tap Confirm to proceed. Then, you can view the summary page for the putaway details.

    2. (Optional) In the Inventory Status field, you can select the status of an item associated with different statuses.

    3. Tap Enter Quantity.

  11. For serialized items, on the Enter Serial Number page, in the Scan/Enter Serial Number field, scan or enter the serial number. If you enter the data, tap Enter Serial Number to proceed.

    From the Available Serial Numbers list, view and copy the serial number.

    Repeat this step to enter all the serial numbers for the total quantity you want to load onto the cart.

A summary page appears to display the putaway details. If you have remaining items in the cart to put away, tap Next Putaway. You can do the same if you want to use the same cart to move other items. You are redirected to the Cart Details page. Start from step 5.

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