One Stop Shop (OSS) Tax Schedules

The SuiteTax Engine enables you to create OSS tax schedules.

OSS tax schedules are optional. They are only needed when you must use a tax code different from the nexus default tax codes for OSS distance sale.


Items can only be associated with one OSS tax schedule. If you associate an item with a second OSS tax schedule, the item is removed from its previous OSS tax schedule.

Setting Up OSS Tax Schedules

Follow the steps below to set up an OSS tax schedule.

To set up an OSS tax schedule:

  1. Go to Setup > SuiteTax Engine > One Stop Shop Tax Schedules.

  2. Click New.

  3. In the Name field, enter a name for this OSS Tax Schedule.

  4. In the Description field, enter a short sentence describing this OSS tax schedule.

  5. On the OSS Countries subtab, add a row for each customer country:

    1. In the OSS Country column, select the customer country for which this OSS tax schedule applies.

    2. Select a tax code this OSS tax schedule applies to. Only OSS tax codes appear in this list.

    3. Click Add to add the OSS country and the OSS tax code.

  6. Click the Items subtab.

  7. You can add this OSS tax schedule to a saved search, specific individual items, or both.

    • To add multiple items using the saved search in the Select Item Saved Search field, select a saved search from the list.

    • To add specific items to the OSS tax schedule:

      1. In the Item Name/Number column, select an item from the list.

      2. Click Open to view the item record.

      3. Click Add to add the item.

      4. Continue adding items as necessary.

  8. Click Save.

Assigning a One Stop Shop (OSS) Tax Schedule Through an Item Record

You can also assign an OSS tax schedule from an individual item record.

To assign an OSS tax schedule through an item record:

  1. Go to Lists > Accounting > Items.

  2. Click Edit next to the item you want to update.

  3. Click the Tax subtab.

  4. In the OSS Tax Schedule field, select a tax schedule. You must create tax schedules for them to appear in the list.

  5. Click Save.

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General Notices