Management of System-Generated Portugal Accounts

The Portugal Localization SuiteApp provides an exception in validating the system-generated accounts associated with a Portugal subsidiary. For information about these accounts, see Feature-Specific, System-Generated Accounts.

These accounts automatically generated by NetSuite are not usually used in Portugal transactions, and are therefore not mapped under the PT-SAFT Account Grouping mapping category. This means that they have not been assigned a grouping code: GM, GA, GR, AM, AA, and AR. Normally, unmapped accounts cause a failure in generating the PT SAF-T files, and the SuiteApp sends you a notification to fix the mapping. If a system-generated account is unmapped, has an initial balance of 0.00, and is not used in any transactions, this account is excluded from the SAF-T files.

If, in some cases, a system-generated account has been assigned a grouping code, it is considered for the SAF-T validation and the SAF-T files, even if they have not been used in any transaction. Such accounts are treated equally to any other Portugal account with a grouping code.

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