Buffered Quantity

NetSuite provides you the capability to assign or map quantity available to the marketplace/cart. This is the total number of units for a particular SKU that are currently available for use in filling new orders. Assigning a quantity buffer causes the marketplace/cart to display a lower quantity available than in stock, which can help prevent unintentional overselling of product.

There are two ways you can set up a buffered quantity:

You can complete these through arithmetic mapping. For more information about arithmetic mapping, see Configuring Quantity Calculations Before Sync in NetSuite Connector.

Another feature is to set up a box on your items that determines if the buffered quantity mapping would apply to that particular item. If selected, the buffer quantity mapping would apply. If not selected, the mapping would not apply. You can control which items the buffer quantity mapping will affect through this box.

To set up a buffered quantity through this feature, contact NetSuite Customer Support and provide the NetSuite field ID for the box, along with two SKUs to test the mappings. One of the SKUs will have the box selected and the other not selected.

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