Portugal Document Series in Transaction


Transactions with a Portugal subsidiary that are dated January 1, 2022 or later are required to have a document series. This requirement applies to invoice, sales order, cash sale, credit memo, customer payment, item fulfillment, and cash refund.

  • For Portugal Localization SuiteApp in version other than 2.3.0, the transaction cannot be saved if the Document Series Identifier is not selected. The document series identifiers of these transactions are used in the generation of Portugal certification data.

  • For Portugal Localization SuiteApp in version 2.3.0, transactions can be saved without the Document Series Identifier, but can only be certified if the field is set. For more information, see Portugal Transaction Finalization.

If the transaction is dated before January 1, 2022, you can still select a document series identifier on the transaction record, but it is not required. Transactions dated before January 1, 2022 are also certified with a Portugal Transaction ID in the format that contains transaction type code, subsidiary ID, Fiscal Year, and sequence number. For more information, see Changes in Portugal Transaction ID in 2022.

On the Portugal Transaction subtab of the transaction record, you can select a document series identifier from the Document Series Identifier list.

These are the possible reasons why the Document Series Identifier list on the transaction record is disabled:


The document series identifier cannot be filled in for bulk item fulfillment transactions. You have to fulfill orders individually and select a document series identifier one item fulfillment transaction at a time. For more information about item fulfillments, see Fulfilling Orders Individually.

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