Fulfilling Orders Individually

You can fulfill a single order when you are ready to ship the ordered items to the customer. When you fulfill an order, an item fulfillment is created. If you use the Pick, Pack, and Ship feature, you can also fulfill orders using separate processes for picking, packing, and shipping goods – see Fulfilling Orders Using Pick, Pack, and Ship for more information.

To fulfill an order:

  1. Go to Shipping > Shipping > Fulfill Orders.

  2. Optionally, filter the list of available orders to be fulfilled according to any of the following criteria:

    • Customer – Select a customer in the Customer field.

    • Fulfillment location – Select a location in the Bulk Fulfill From Location field and make sure the Filter box is checked.

    • Item availability – Filter orders based on the availability of items in each order. You can choose to show orders that have some items committed, show orders that have all items committed, show ship complete orders, or ignore item availability on orders.

  3. Click Fulfill next to the order you want to fulfill.

  4. On the New Item Fulfillment page, verify or enter information in the following fields:

    • Ref. No. – A number or code you can later use to reference this item fulfillment. If To Be Generated is displayed as the reference number, the number is created only after you save the item fulfillment. Otherwise, an autogenerated item fulfillment number is displayed; you can enter a different number if desired.

    • Customer – The customer for whom the sales order was created.

    • Created From – The name and number of the original transaction on which the item fulfillment is based. You can click the number to view the transaction.

    • Date – The date of the item fulfillment.

    • Posting Period – The accounting period to which the transaction will be posted. You can only choose open accounting periods.

      This field appears only when the Accounting Period feature is enabled.

  5. In the Items subtab, enter the details of the line items to be fulfilled:

    1. In the Quantity column, verify that the quantities showing match the items you are shipping.

      • If you want to fulfill the entire order, make sure the amount in the Quantity column equals the amount in the Remaining column for each item.

      • To partially fulfill the order, enter the actual quantity of each item that you are shipping.

    2. If an item is a serialized item or a lot numbered item, enter the serial or lot number in the Serial/Lot Numbers field.

      • Separate each serial number with a space, a comma, or by pressing Enter after each one.

        You must enter a serial number for each serialized item. For example, if you enter a quantity of 2, then you must enter two serial numbers.

      • Lot numbers must be entered in this format: LOT#(Quantity)

        For example, to enter a quantity of 100 items as Lot number ABC1234, enter ABC1234(100).

    3. In the Bin Numbers column, the preferred bin for that item displays. After this item is picked, you can edit this field if items were pulled from other bins associated with the item. The Bin Numbers field can be edited only if the item is stored in bins.

      To edit bins, click the Bins icon, change the quantity pulled from each bin associated with the item, and click Done.

      The Bin Numbers column appears only when the Bin Management feature is enabled

  6. In the Shipping subtab, verify the shipping information and shipping address.

    The Shipping Cost field appears only when charges are enabled for shipping

  7. In the Packages subtab, verify package weights, content description, insured value, and tracking numbers.


    If the initial package weight or insured value have been manually updated, then the weight or value is not auto-calculated when an item quantity is changed on an item fulfillment using the Select Item field. Package weight and insured value must be manually updated.

    You must have View permissions for Item Fulfillments and Sales Orders to retrieve shipping costs using the calculate the shipping costs calculator button.

  8. Click Save.

    After an item fulfillment posts to the General Ledger, the fulfillment cannot be edited if the transaction date falls within a closed period.

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