Consumption Reporting Details

The following describe how consumption reporting affects components:

Component Lists

  • Work order items in the BOM are listed in the same order as they are in the BOM.

  • If you enable the Use Bins feature, only component lots in the staging bin are listed.

  • If you do not enable the Use Bins feature, all available lots in inventory for the component are displayed.

    If a staging bin is not defined for the work center, no lots are listed.

Component Reporting

  • You can scan or enter lots not listed in the scanner and report consumption for the lot.

    The lot should be valid for the component. The component quantity should be available in the staging bin before the build process.

  • You cannot report data for components that are not listed.

    To list a report, modify the work order BOM and re-submit it.

  • You can report components defined in a BOM with zero quantity.

  • You can report a different consumption quantity than the produced quantity.

  • Only reported components, lots, and quantities are processed in NetSuite.

  • The scanner displays the component lot expiration date.

  • Non-inventory items are always backflushed and are not available in Manufacturing Mobile records.

Reporting Component per Operation

  • Components assigned to an operation step (component per operation) are listed for reporting against the operation step.

  • Components not assigned to an operation step report against the first routing operation step.

Consumption with Backflush

  • Backflush is compatible with or without real time build and WIP work orders.

  • If you enable backflush for a work order, non-inventory items are not listed and are backflushed during the build.

    You cannot report them in the scanner.

  • To automatically consume all work order components at the standard BOM quantities, when you enter a work order completion, check the Backflush box.

  • Reporting consumption is unavailable in the mobile scanner, but reporting production is still available.

  • When components are backflushed, custom records do not update with consumption data.

    The updated records display in NetSuite but not in Manufacturing Mobile.

  • Non-inventory items are always backflushed and are not available in Manufacturing Mobile records.

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General Notices