Deleting a Variation Option in NetSuite Connector

In this context, variation option means the way in which children SKUs (Stock Keeping Units) vary from each other. These options can be the options that you select from a list on the product page in the storefront. For example, if the children vary by color, then your variation option is color. You select a color from a list on the item when you purchase the item on the storefront. Similarly, if the children vary by color and size, then you have the variation options of color and size.

You can remove or update the variation options in the following ways:

If you delete a variation from NetSuite but not from the storefront, you will get an error when posting the products in that family. The reason for the error is that the storefront expects existing variations but NetSuite sends something different.

For example, for children SKUs that vary on color and size, let’s assume that you remove the size option from the family in NetSuite. If you do not remove the option from the storefront, you will get an error when syncing. The reason for the error is that the storefront still expects a value for size on all children.

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