Installing China Localization In Accounts With Suitetax

China Localization provides the ability to comply with government requirements in running your business in accounts without SuiteTax and in accounts with SuiteTax.

SuiteTax Setup

The following are the setup requirements for your account in SuiteTax:


Even if China Localization SuiteApp is installed first before you complete setting up SuiteTax, it is safe to proceed with the rest of the installation and configuration of China Localization in accounts with SuiteTax.

Install the China Localization SuiteApp

Follow the installation steps in the help topic Installing China Localization.


After installing China Localization SuiteApp and setting up subsidiaries in your account, ensure that:

  • Only one China nexus is assigned to a China subsidiary.

  • The tax registration of a China nexus is not changed after setup.

Additional Setup For Tax Records In China Localization In Accounts With SuiteTax

For new accounts in NetSuite, there are additional setup steps that you need to complete for your chart of accounts. The following describe the steps for you to complete after installing the China Localization SuiteApp and completing the tax records setup.


While China Localization now supports features in both accounts with SuiteTax and accounts without SuiteTax, not all features are yet supported for accounts that will migrate their data to SuiteTax. Contact your account manager for assistance.

To configure your China tax records in accounts with SuiteTax

After this, you can validate your nexus, VAT records, and subsidiary settings using the Validating Your China VAT And Nexus Settings In Accounts With SuiteTax

  1. Assign a China nexus to one subsidiary. Assigning a China nexus to a subsidiary will start the automatic tax record provisioning feature of SuiteTax Engine. For more information, see Automatic Tax Record Provisioning for VAT Countries.

    This step creates two accounts in your chart of accounts, the Tax on Sales China and Tax on Purchases China.

  2. Edit the new accounts.

    1. Go to Lists > Accounting > Accounts.

    2. Select an account:

      • Tax on Sales China

      • Tax on Purchases China

    3. Click Edit

    4. In the Subsidiaries list, select Parent Company.

    5. Check the Include Children box.

    6. Click Save.

  3. Continue assigning your China nexuses to your China subsidiaries.

General Notices