Enabling the SuiteTax Feature
A new NetSuite implementation can be set up to use SuiteTax. An existing NetSuite implementation that uses legacy tax can be migrated to use SuiteTax.
SuiteTax is an account-level feature which applies to the whole NetSuite account and not to selected subsidiaries.
SuiteTax is supported for the following products:
NetSuite Canada
NetSuite UK
NetSuite Australia
NetSuite International
NetSuite Japan
NetSuite OneWorld
NetSuite Global CRM
The SuiteBilling feature does not require SuiteTax to be enabled. However, if customers want to use MSC and SuiteBilling together, they need to enable SuiteTax to do that. For more information, see Enabling the Multi-Subsidiary Customer Feature for SuiteBilling.
The reason is that the tax look up on a customer record that has multiple tax registrations only works correctly with SuiteTax. Both SuiteBilling and MSC are available in Legacy Tax, if used separately.
If you have existing transactions and records in your account, you should test SuiteTax in your Sandbox account prior to switching to production enablement.
Only administrators can enable the SuiteTax feature. To enable the SuiteTax feature, go to Setup > Company > Enable Features. Check the SuiteTax box on the Tax subtab, and click Save.
When you enable the SuiteTax feature, you may see certain information messages. The messages you see depend on which preferences you have enabled or disabled. These are the messages you may see:
SuiteTax enablement information: here, you can see important information about the SuiteTax feature, such as:
The fact that SuiteTax is a non-reversible feature and when enabled, it can no longer be disabled
Help topic links
List of prerequisite features
List of incompatible features, preferences, SuiteApps, and bundles that are enabled or installed in your account, including any action required to proceed with the feature enablement. You can only enable the feature when all required actions are performed (for example, disabling incompatible features, preferences, uninstalling incompatible SuiteApps, bundles)
Note:You must manually disable incompatible features and uninstall incompatible SuiteApps and bundles before you can enable SuiteTax.
Prerequisite features: here, you can see if any of the prerequisite features are not enabled. You should consider enabling the prerequisite features prior to enabling SuiteTax.
When the SuiteTax feature is enabled, the migration of tax-related records proceeds in the background. For information about the changes on NetSuite records and how data on legacy records are migrated to SuiteTax, see Migration of Legacy Records and Transactions to SuiteTax.
You can start using NetSuite partially even if migration is not yet completely finished. However, taxable transactions are initially locked for creation and editing after enabling SuiteTax. You need to complete the following required steps before you can create and edit taxable transactions:
Set up the tax engine for subsidiary tax registrations. For more information, see Selecting a Tax Engine for Tax Registrations on Subsidiary Records.
Tip:If you are not required to track and report taxes, you can skip the tax engine selection on the subsidiary tax registration and mark the nexus as tax-exempt instead.
Confirm that the SuiteTax setup is complete. For more information, see Viewing the SuiteTax Data Migration Status.
If you have third-party integrations, you must contact the relevant partners to check for compatibility with SuiteTax. You should consider any incompatible features before deciding to implement this feature in your account. For information about the known limitations of SuiteTax, see Known Limitations of SuiteTax.
SuiteTax Implementation Checklist Reference
We have provided a Microsoft Excel worksheet listing the implementation steps for both new accounts and legacy accounts migrating to SuiteTax. This document is intended primarily for customers who will be using the NetSuite SuiteTax Engine.
To access the worksheet, click this link: SuiteTax Implementation Checklist