Defining Approval Routing Settings

This step shows how you can route record types for approval. You can further define the approval rule you create with approval routing settings. For more information, see Approval Routing Fields.

If you have not already done so, complete Entering Basic Information.

To define approval routing settings:

  1. In the Define Approval Routing section, define how you want to route records for approval.

    If you are using the Approval Rule page, you will see the Approval Routing section.

    1. Route Approvals Based on Amount – If you want to route approval based on the amount of the record, check the Route Approvals Based on Amount box.

      If you want to route the record to all specified approvers regardless of the amount, clear the Route Approvals Based on Amount box.

    2. Record Amount Limit (Require Approval for Amounts Over) – Enter a value of the amount limit that you want to apply to records routed for approval.

    3. Amount Mapping field – Select the amount field you want to use for validating records for approval.

    4. Currency – Select the currency for the amount.

    5. Use Employee Limit (Apply if Higher than Record Amount Limit) – If you want to apply the approval limit of the user who submits the record, check this box.

    6. Use Standard Employee Hierarchy – If you want to use the standard employee hierarchy for the approval rule, select this approval routing type.

    7. Define Custom Approval Chain – If you want to create your own approval chain, select this approval routing type.

      In the approval matrix, click Add Approver and select the Approver Type, Approver, and Approval Limit. Repeat to add more approvers.

      If you want to add record approvers to the custom approval chain matrix, complete the following:

      1. In the Approver Type column, select Specific Approver.

      2. In the Approver column, select the employee’s name.

    8. All Levels of Approval – If you want the SuiteApprovals workflow to go through all levels of approval until the rule’s amount requirements are met, select this custom approval routing type.

    9. One Level of Approval Based on Approver’s Approval Limit – If you want the SuiteApprovals workflow to automatically send the record to an approver who has the sufficient approval limits, select this custom approval routing type.

  2. To continue with the Record Locking and Re-approval Settings, go to Defining Record Locking and Re-approval Settings.

    If you are using the Approval Rule Assistant, click Next >.

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