Merging Large Numbers of Records

NetSuite can merge an unlimited number of records using the Mass Update functionality. Administrators set the rules for the merge process to determine which record in a set of duplicates is the primary record and configure the criteria to control the search results.


System notes are not transferred from duplicate entity records to the primary entity record during a merge. Merging entities updates the system notes and last modified date for all transactions associated with the duplicate entity or entities. The system notes for these transactions will indicate that they were updated by the Duplicate Resolution process.


Merging entities is a data-intensive operation, and complex merges of many records such as transactions, custom fields, or workflows may time out when processing. You should test the merge process in a sandbox account first to ensure that it can be completed.

You should designate the entity with the most transactions as the primary record and entities with fewer transactions as duplicates to reduce the time it takes to complete the merge. You should also avoid merging entities with large numbers of transactions whenever possible.

You must have full permissions for the entity types you are merging. For example:

To merge large numbers of duplicate records:

  1. Go to Lists > Mass Update > Mass Updates.

  2. In the Action column, expand the Duplicate Resolution options, and click the type of record you want to merge.

  3. Use the dropdown list in the Master Selection Mode field to define the primary record. You can use the following modes:

    • Created earliest – This mode selects the record that was created first as the primary record.

    • Most populated fields – This mode selects the record that has the most fields containing data as the primary record.

    • Most recent activity – This mode selects the record with the most recent activity as the primary record.

  4. Use the Record Selection Mode list to define which records are selected. You can use the following modes:

    • All from duplicate group – Both the primary record and the duplicate records are selected from the complete group of duplicate records, and search results are used only to determine the groups.

    • Master from duplicate group – The primary record is selected from the whole group, and duplicates are selected from the search results only.

    • Master and duplicates from search only – Both the primary record and the duplicate records are selected only from the search results.

You can use various criteria to define which records are included in the operation and schedule regular duplicate merge operations to take place automatically at regular intervals.

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