Words Excluded from Duplicate Detection Matching

Records are listed as duplicates when they have either matching or similar information. When searching for similar information, NetSuite excludes certain words or phrases that occur often in fields to avoid false duplicates. This list is organized by field name.

Customer, Partner, and Vendor Name

The following words or abbreviations are not considered when searching for similar information to prevent false matches in the company or customer name field:

Note that duplication detection also ignores variations of these terms, such as abbreviations without periods at the end.

Email Address

If you identify duplicates based on matching email address, you can set duplicate criteria on Email (full) to identify duplicates only if the full email addresses of two records match exactly.

If you set duplicate criteria based on Email (domain only), the domain names listed below are not considered when searching for similar information to prevent false matches for email addresses. Administrators can add or remove a domain from the default list in the Excluded Domains subtab on the Set Up Duplicate Detection page at Setup > Company > Company Management > Duplicate Detection.Administrators can also configure a unique list of domains to be excluded from Email (domain only).


Potential duplicate results are determined differently when using the email address from a customer record than from a contact record. Customer records are flagged as potential duplicates when the domain name portion of the address matches, provided the domain name is not listed on the Excluded Domains list. Contact records are flagged as duplicates only if the entire email address matches. This difference prevents false potential duplicate results when multiple contact records from one company use the same domain name in their email addresses.

Phone Number

When searching the phone number field for duplicates, all prefixes and extensions are excluded so that only the 9 digit or 6 digit numbers are considered. If two matching phone numbers are compared, one with an area code and one without, they are not detected as duplicates.


Addresses are considered potential duplicates based on the street number and name. Similar numbers with a street name match are considered potential duplicates, for example.

The following words or symbols are not considered when searching for potential duplicates in the Address field:

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