Creating Charge-Based Projects

Projects that generate charges as billable amounts use the billing type Charge-Based. When a project billing type is set to Charge-Based, you can create an individual charge rule on the project. The charge rules on the project process are related project activities or inputs and create charge records. You can invoice charge-based projects individually or link them to Sales Orders for a combined invoice.


To create a charge-based project:

  1. Create a new project record.

  2. On the Financial subtab, under Billing Information, select Charge-Based in the Billing Type field.

  3. Select a billing schedule.

    This billing schedule is only used to calculate sales forecast amounts.


    The selected billing schedule cannot be changed when there are unbilled charges.

  4. Enter other project information.


    On the Preferences subtab, NetSuite advises you to enable the Create Planned Time Entries preference. This preference populates the Estimated Work field. Estimated work is used to calculate estimated labor revenue. Estimated labor revenue is used to calculate remaining charges for your project. If you do not enable this preference, your Charges Summary may report inaccurate totals for remaining charges.

  5. Click Save.

After you save the project, you can create charge rules to define how charges are calculated for the project.


When creating a new charge based project with a rate card, you can check the Create Charge Rule box to automatically create time-based charge rules based on the selected rate card.

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