Charge-Based Project Billing

Project Charge-Based Billing is a type of project billing in SuiteProjects. Project Charge-Based Billing is a comprehensive and flexible rules-based engine for processing various project activities and turning those into charges that can be included on project-related invoices. Charge Rules assigned to the project automate the creation of charges. There are several types of Charge Rules which can be created and combined depending on your billing requirements:

On charge-based billing projects there is a new option available – Billing Rate Card. This enables you to either select a customer specific rate card or a generally available rate card for billing your project. For more info on Billing Rate Cards, see Using Billing Rate Cards.

Charge rules offer flexibility in calculating the billable value of project activity. Charge rules can be based on:

Charge rules determine the amount and sometimes the date of the charges created. For more information, see Understanding Charge Rules.

Charge-Based Billing also gives you comprehensive oversight of the project billing process. The billing status of each project is summarized on the Financial subtab of the project record. From there you can view the pending charges and make them available for billing. For more information, see Approving Pending Charges.

You can also view the Project Billings Report to see a summary of billing for each customer and project.

To begin using Charge-Based Billing, see Setting Up Charge-Based Billing.

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