Creating Company Credit Card Accounts
At any time you can add a company credit card to your list of accounts. After you set up the account, you can enter company credit card charges, pay the credit card bill, and reconcile the credit card statement.
To add a new company credit card account:
Go to Setup > Accounting > Manage G/L > Chart of Accounts > New.
In the Type list, select Credit Card.
Enter the number to identify this account.
Enter a name for the account.
Complete other fields as needed.
If you use NetSuite OneWorld, choose the subsidiary to which this credit card should be assigned.
Credit card accounts can be assigned to only one subsidiary.
Click Save.
To modify an existing company credit card account:
Go to Setup > Accounting > Manage G/L > Chart of Accounts.
From the Chart of Accounts, click Edit next to the credit card account you want to modify.
Modify the fields as needed.
You cannot change the currency associated with the account because transactions in this currency exist in the system.
From the Actions menu you can delete the company credit card account or merge the account into another company credit card account.
Click Save.