Checking for Detailed Results of an Asynchronous Job

To retrieve details about specific records submitted as part of an asynchronous request, you use the getAsyncResult operation.

getAsyncResult Time Limits

Be aware of the following limits:

getAsyncResult Example

You can use code like the following to retrieve the getAsyncResult response. This example shows how to look for records that failed with a status detail code of “unexpected error” and then take some action with those records.

          AsyncAddListResult result = (AsyncAddListResult)port.getAsyncResult("job ID", 1);
WriteResponseList responses = result.getWriteResponseList();
for (WriteResponse response : responses.getWriteResponse())
   if (!response.getStatus().isIsSuccess())
      if (response.getStatus().getStatusDetail()[0].getCode() == StatusDetailCodeType.UNEXPECTED_ERROR)
      // add for resubmit


To use getAsyncResult with asyncInitializeList, you must be using the 2013.2 endpoint or later. You can monitor asyncInitializeList requests using the UI, as described in Monitoring Asynchronous Jobs from the UI.

getAsyncResult Faults

This operation can throw one of the following faults.

For more information on faults, see SOAP Fault Status Codes.


You can see some details about asynchronous job results by navigating to Setup > Integration > SOAP Web Services Process Status and viewing the Response.xml file for the job. For details, see Monitoring Asynchronous Jobs from the UI.

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