Adding a Milestone Task Example

The following example shows how to add a milestone task.


          private void addMilestone()

   //Create object

   ProjectTask newMilestoneTask = new ProjectTask();

   // Set a value for title, which is required, and externalId, which is preferred.
   // Because this is a milestone task, omit an estimatedWork value.

   newMilestoneTask.title = "Phase I Goals Met";
   newMilestoneTask.externalId = "125I";

   // Every milestone task must be associated with a project record. Identify that record here.

   RecordRef projectRef = new RecordRef();
   projectRef.internalId = "1146"; = projectRef;




SOAP Request

          <soap:Envelope xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:soap="" xmlns:xsi="">
        <passport xmlns="">
            <email xmlns=""></email>
            <password xmlns="">**********</password>
            <account xmlns="">12345</account>
            <role internalId="3" xmlns=""/>
        <preferences xmlns=""/>
        <add xmlns="">
            <record externalId="125I" xsi:type="q1:ProjectTask" xmlns:q1="">
                <q1:title>Phase I Goals Met</q1:title>
                <q1:company internalId="1146"/>


SOAP Response

          <soapenv:Envelope xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:soapenv="">
        <platformMsgs:documentInfo xmlns:platformMsgs="">
        <addResponse xmlns="">
                <platformCore:status isSuccess="true" xmlns:platformCore=""/>
                <baseRef xsi:type="platformCore:RecordRef" type="projectTask" externalId="125I" internalId="2821" xmlns:platformCore=""/>


Related Topics

Project Task
Project Tasks Versus Milestone Tasks
Project Task Supported Operations
Project Task Field Definitions
Project Task Permissions
Adding a Project Task Example
Using Project Management
Creating a Project Task Record
Assigning Resources to Project Tasks
Enabling Project Features

General Notices