Project Task Field Definitions

This topic describes some of the important body fields and sublist fields available for the project task record.

Body Fields

This section lists some of the key body fields available for this record.


The company field represents the project that this task is associated with. Every task must be attached to a particular project, so this field is required.


The estimatedWork body field is populated in one of two ways:

Whether or not you include a value for this field determines whether this record is saved as a project task or a milestone task. For more details on this distinction, see Project Tasks Versus Milestone Tasks.


You cannot set a value for startDate unless you have also set the constraintType body field to _fixedDate. Refer also to Adding a Project Task Example.


The title field is the name of the Task. In the UI, this field is labeled Name. The value you choose for this field is the one used to represent the project task on the project record. This field is required.

Sublist Fields

Two sublists are available for integration — Time Tracking and Assignees.


You can use the Assignees sublist (assigneeList) to assign employees or vendors to a project task. Note that the only resources available for adding to the sublist are those listed as resources on the project record.

When you add a record to the Assignees sublist, each record must include values for the following:

If you are adding a record and you omit one of these values for any line in the sublist, the operation fails.


In order for an employee or vendor to be added as a resource to a project record, they must have been flagged as a project resource on the employee or vendor record. For more details, see Working with Resources in Project Management.

Time Tracking

When the Time Tracking feature is enabled, the Time Tracking sublist (timeItemList) is available. This list is used to track employee hours associated with the task.

For More Information

The SOAP Schema Browser includes definitions for all body fields, sublist fields, search filters, and search joins available to this record. For details, see the SOAP Schema Browser’s project task reference page. For information on using the SOAP Schema Browser, see SOAP Schema Browser.

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