Viewing the Details of Statistical Schedules

At any time you can view the list of statistical schedules and their respective details. Information provided about each statistical schedule includes the identification number of the statistical schedule in your NetSuite system and name. Additional information includes the statistical account with which the statistical schedule is associated and the saved search assigned to the statistical schedule. You can also view the frequency with which the statistical schedule is run and the next date on which the statistical schedule should run.

Details about a particular statistical schedule are accessible through the record including the ability to immediately create statistical journals and delete the results of a schedule.

To view a list of statistical schedules and their respective details:

  1. Go to Transactions > Financial > Create Statistical Schedule > List.

  2. From the Statistical Schedules page, you can do the following:

    • Click New to create a new statistical schedule.

      For more information, see Creating a Statistical Schedule to Run a Saved Search.

    • Click Edit next to the statistical schedule you want to modify or delete.

      For more information, see Modifying Statistical Schedules and Deleting Statistical Schedules.

    • Click View next to a statistical schedule to view details about the record.

      From the record you can do the following:

      • Click Create Journal Entry to immediately run the saved search and create a statistical journal.

      • View the Register of the statistical account that is associated with the statistical schedule.

      • Edit the statistical schedule.

      • Access the results of the saved search where you can view the search criteria, edit the search, print the search results, export the search results to a CSV, Microsoft Excel, Adobe PDF, or serialization file, and email the search results to a colleague.

      • Under Actions, click New to create a new statistical schedule.

      • In the list of saved search runs, click Link to open the Statistical Schedule Execution Detail page and view the details associated with that execution.

Statistical Schedule Execution Detail

From the Statistical Schedule Execution Detail page you can do the following:

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