Adding a Statistical Journal Entry Record

The following example shows how to create a statistical journal entry record with three lines.


          private void addStatisticalJournalEntry()

   // Create the statistical journal entry object.

   StatisticalJournalEntry newSJE = new StatisticalJournalEntry();

   // Create an external ID.

   newSJE.externalId = "101A";

   // Define the subsidiary (OneWorld accounts only).

   RecordRef mySubsidiary = new RecordRef();
   mySubsidiary.type = RecordType.subsidiary;
   mySubsidiary.internalId = "1";
   newSJE.subsidiary = mySubsidiary;

   // Declare the unit of measure type. All accounts named in the sublist
   // must be accounts that use this measure type.
   RecordRef unitOfMeasureReference = new RecordRef();
   unitOfMeasureReference.type = RecordType.unitsType;
   unitOfMeasureReference.internalId = "4";
   newSJE.unitsType = unitOfMeasureReference;

   // Create a sublist that can have up to three lines.

   newSJE.lineList = new StatisticalJournalEntryLineList();
   newSJE.lineList.statisticalJournalEntryLine = new StatisticalJournalEntryLine[3];

   // Create RecordRefs to define the three accounts to be adjusted. These accounts
   // must all have a unit of measure that matches the one you referenced for the  
   // record via the unitsType body field.

   RecordRef firstAccount = new RecordRef();
   firstAccount.internalId = "248";

   RecordRef secondAccount = new RecordRef();
   secondAccount.internalId = "249";

   RecordRef thirdAccount = new RecordRef();
   thirdAccount.internalId = "253";

   // Define the three adjustments. The first line below reduces the balance of an  
   // account; the next two increase the balances of their accounts.

   newSJE.lineList.statisticalJournalEntryLine[0] = new StatisticalJournalEntryLine();
   newSJE.lineList.statisticalJournalEntryLine[0].account = firstAccount;
   newSJE.lineList.statisticalJournalEntryLine[0].debit = -500;
   newSJE.lineList.statisticalJournalEntryLine[0].debitSpecified = true;

   newSJE.lineList.statisticalJournalEntryLine[1] = new StatisticalJournalEntryLine();
   newSJE.lineList.statisticalJournalEntryLine[1].account = secondAccount;
   newSJE.lineList.statisticalJournalEntryLine[1].debit = 1200;
   newSJE.lineList.statisticalJournalEntryLine[1].debitSpecified = true;

   newSJE.lineList.statisticalJournalEntryLine[2] = new StatisticalJournalEntryLine();
   newSJE.lineList.statisticalJournalEntryLine[2].account = thirdAccount;
   newSJE.lineList.statisticalJournalEntryLine[2].debit = 2000;
   newSJE.lineList.statisticalJournalEntryLine[2].debitSpecified = true;


SOAP Request

   <add xmlns="">
      <record xmlns:q1="" xsi:type="q1:StatisticalJournalEntry" externalId="101A">
         <q1:subsidiary internalId="1" />
         <q1:unitsType internalId="4" />
               <q1:account internalId="248" />
               <q1:account internalId="249" />
               <q1:account internalId="253" />


SOAP Response

   <addResponse xmlns="">
         <platformCore:status isSuccess="true" xmlns:platformCore=""/>
         <baseRef internalId="7331" externalId="101A" type="statisticalJournalEntry" xsi:type="platformCore:RecordRef" xmlns:platformCore=""/>


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Searching for Statistical Journal Entry Records
Statistical Journal Entry
Statistical Journal Entry Supported Operations
Statistical Journal Entry Body and Sublist Fields
Common Errors with Statistical Journal Entries
SuiteTalk SOAP Web Services Platform Overview
Statistical Accounting Overview
Using Statistical Accounts
Making Statistical Journal Entries
Working with Statistical Journal Entries
Modifying Statistical Journal Entries

General Notices