Billing Schedule Body Fields and Sublist Fields

When you view the definition for the billing schedule record in the listAcct (Accounting) XSD, you see two sublists and quite a few body fields. However, the exact fields and sublists available vary depending on the type of schedule you are working with. This section highlights some differences but is not comprehensive. You may also want to refer to the entry forms available in the user interface, as described in Finding the Record in the User Interface.

Milestone Sublist

The Milestone sublist is available only when scheduleType is set to _fixedBidMilestone. The key for this sublist is milestoneId.

If you create lines in the Milestone sublist, omit any value for the initialAmount body field. When lines exist in the Milestone sublist, initialAmount is automatically populated. The reason is that with this type of schedule, initialAmount represents the difference between 100 percent and the total of the Milestone sublist lines.

If you omit lines in the Milestone sublist, you must set a value of “100%” for the initialAmount field.

For an example of how to populate the Milestone sublist when adding a record, see Adding a Fixed Bid Milestone Billing Schedule.

Recurrence Sublist

The recurrence sublist is available only when scheduleType is set to _standard and the frequency field is set to _custom. The key for this sublist is recurrenceId.

If you create lines in the recurrence sublist, you should omit any value for the numberRemaining body field. When lines exist in the rRecurrence sublist, the numberRemaining field is automatically populated. Note that numberRemaining is labeled Recurrence Count in the user interface.

For an example of how to populate the recurrence sublist when adding a record, see Adding a Standard Billing Schedule.


The initialAmount body field is available only with three types of billing record: standard, fixed bid interval, and fixed bid milestone:


If you are adding a fixed bid milestone billing schedule, you must use the project body field to identify an existing project record. Otherwise, the add operation fails.

However, note that the new billing schedule is not automatically attached to the project record. To create a link between the project and the new billing schedule, you must update the project record. For an example, see Attaching a Billing Schedule to a Project.

For all other types, you do not have to include a project value (and if you do, your input is ignored).

More Information

The SOAP Schema Browser includes definitions for all body fields, sublist fields, search filters, and search joins available to this record. For details, see the SOAP Schema Browser’s billing schedule reference page.


For information on using the SOAP Schema Browser, see SOAP Schema Browser.

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