Deleting Folders from the File Cabinet

Users with the Administrator role and users with the full Documents and Files permission can delete File Cabinet folders. For more information, see Setting Permissions.

You can delete a folder that contains files and subfolders, or you can delete an empty folder. If the folder contains a file that is attached to a record, the delete operation fails. A popup alert displays indicating that you must remove the file from the record to proceed.

Deleting a Folder Containing Files

You can delete a folder that contains files that are no longer needed.

To delete a folder containing files:

  1. Go to Documents > Files > File Cabinet.

  2. Locate and click the parent folder of the folder you want to delete.

  3. Click Delete Files.

    Delete Files button on the File Cabinet page.
  4. A list displays of files and subfolders in the parent folder. Check the box next to the folder you want to delete.

    Delete button on the Folder Contents page.
  5. Click Delete.

Deleting an Empty Folder

You can delete empty folders from the File Cabinet.

To delete an empty folder:

  1. Go to Documents > Files > File Cabinet.

  2. Locate the empty folder you want to delete.

  3. Click Edit next to the folder name.

  4. Expand the Actions menu.

  5. Click Delete.

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