Handling of Lengthy Requests

Throughout NetSuite, the maximum duration for a single HTTP connection is 15 minutes. However, in some cases a SOAP web services request may require more than 15 minutes to process. Because the system cannot send a response after the connection has timed out, the system handles lengthy requests differently from those that complete more quickly. The exact handling varies depending on the operation. For details, see the following:

Single-Record Requests

If a synchronous single-record operation does not complete within 15 minutes, the operation is allowed to finish. In these cases, no response is sent, but the system updates the SOAP Web Services Usage Log with a partial response. However, note that single-record operations almost always complete before the HTTP connection times out.

A single-record operation is one that creates or affects only one record. For example, add, update, and delete are single-record operations.

List and Search Requests

In general, a list or search request that requires longer than 15 minutes to process is terminated by the system. The exact behavior varies depending on the endpoint.

2014.2 Endpoint

When the 2014.2 or a later endpoint is being used, NetSuite sends a response 10 seconds prior to the connection timeout. The operation is terminated after the record currently being processed has finished. The system uses the messaging described in the following table.

Operation Type

Relevant Operations



The response indicates that the operation did not finish because it timed out.


The response indicates that the operation did not finish because it timed out.

For records that were successfully processed, the response indicates success for that record, along with other standard details, such as the record’s internal ID.

For other records, the status indicates one of the following:

  • The record’s status is unknown – This status is used if the processing of the record was still in progress when the response was being created.

  • The record was not processed.

Using this information and the original SOAP request, you can determine which data to resend.

The following screenshot shows a response for an addList operation that was terminated.

An example of a response of a request that timed out.

2014.1 Endpoint and Earlier

If you are using 2014.1 or an earlier endpoint, a lengthy operation is stopped after 15 minutes. The system does not send a response, but it updates the SOAP Web Services Usage Log with a partial response, which shows only the records that were processed. For help with the SOAP Web Services Usage Log, see Using the SOAP Web Services Usage Log.

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