Releasing Items on a Blanket Purchase Order

To order items that have been scheduled on a blanket purchase order, you must release the items that need ordering. Releasing items can be done either manually or automatically. The method used is based on the setting in the Create Purchase Orders field of the schedule:

To manually release items on a blanket purchase order:

  1. Go to Transactions > Purchases > Enter Blanket Purchase Order > List (Administrator).

  2. Click Edit next to an order.

  3. Click the Schedule icon on a blanket purchase order line to view the schedule.

  4. Check the box in the Release column for lines that need to be ordered.

  5. Click OK for the schedule line.

  6. Click OK for the blanket order line.

  7. Click Save.

After schedules have been released, the resulting purchase orders appear on the schedule detail window.

To order released items, go to Transactions > Inventory > Order Items. For details on ordering items, see Ordering Items.

Related Topics

Purchase Contracts
Enabling the Purchase Contracts Feature
Creating Purchase Contracts
Using Purchase Contracts on Purchase Orders
Purchase Contract Approval Workflow
Blanket Purchase Orders
Setting up the Blanket Purchase Orders Feature
Creating a Blanket Purchase Order
Blanket Purchase Order Approval Workflow
Purchase Contracts and Blanket Orders

General Notices