Intercompany Journal Entry Body and Sublist Fields

Be aware that the way you interact with certain fields varies depending on whether the intercompany journal entry is book specific. For more information, see the following sections:


For a full list of available fields, refer to the intercompany journal entry reference page in the SOAP Schema Browser. For information on using the SOAP Schema Browser, see SOAP Schema Browser.

Body Fields

The following table describes several key fields on the intercompany journal entry record. The way you use these fields varies depending on whether the journal entry is book specific. The guidance in this table assumes that you are adding a new intercompany journal entry record.


Label in UI

To create a regular intercompany journal entry (not book specific)

To create a book specific intercompany journal entry


Accounting Book

Do not use this field. (Using this field automatically makes the journal entry book specific.)

Use this field to name the accounting book that this journal entry is for. You must choose an accounting book that has at least two subsidiaries listed on its Currencies subtab.



You can omit a value for this field, and the system automatically uses the base currency for the subsidiary named by the subsidiary field.

Alternatively, you can name the base currency for the subsidiary identified by the toSubsidiary field.

These two currencies are the only valid values.


Exchange Rate

This field reflects the exchange rate between:

  • The value in the intercompany journal entry’s currency field (which is also the base currency for one of the subsidiaries identified in this transaction).

  • The base currency for the other subsidiary identified in the transaction.

You can leave this field empty to let the system fill in the value, or you can specify an exchange rate.


This field is hidden in the UI.

Omit a value for this field. The system automatically assigns the correct value to this field. (The correct value in this case is false.)

If you are actively setting a value for the accountingBook field, you can omit a value for isBookSpecific. The system will automatically assign this field the correct value. (The correct value in this case is true.)

As an alternative, you can set isBookSpecific to true and omit a value for accounting book. This approach creates a book specific intercompany journal entry for the primary accounting book.



This field is available only with the 2015.2 WSDL and later. By contrast, the Memo field from the Lines sublist is available in all supported WSDLs.



Identify the subsidiary initiating the transaction.


To Subsidiary

Identify the second subsidiary involved in the transaction.

Sublist Fields

Only the line sublist is exposed to SOAP web services. This sublist is the main sublist on the record. It is used to record credits and debits. Every intercompany journal entry must have at least four lines in this sublist: two pairs of credit and debit values. Within each pair, the credit value must equal the debit value.


The maximum number of lines per intercompany journal entry is 1,000 when using synchronous SOAP web services processing. With asynchronous SOAP web services processing, the limit is 10,000 lines. If your import includes transactions with more than 1,000 lines, CSV import can also serve as an alternative. For transactions submitted through CSV import, the limit is 10,000 lines per transaction.


As of the 2016.1 WSDL, another sublist, the accountingBookDetailList, is also exposed to SOAP web services. This sublist is relevant only if you use the Multi-Book Accounting feature. For details on this sublist, see the SOAP Schema Browser’s accountingBookDetailList reference page.

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