URL Components for Facets

Use NetSuite to setup and modify URL Components for facets. You can use the URL Definition page to set up URL Components for facets. The interface in NetSuite lets you try different URL Components on your site, while maintaining a list of aliases that were used in the past. The supported URL configuration looks similar to www.mywebstore.com/kitchen/plastic-spatulas.


When you use the URL Component Alias feature in Commerce web stores, some configuration is required to fully integrate facet URL aliases. Modify the configuration to use the same facet values you set on the URL Components for Facets in NetSuite. For detailed information about customizing these values, see Select and Configure Facet Fields.

To manage URL components for facets:

  1. Make sure the feature is enabled. For more information, see Enable URL Components Alias.

  2. Go to Commerce > Marketing > SEO > URL Components for Facets.

  3. Click Edit or View on the URL Components for Facets page to access the URL Definition page.

  4. Enter a value in the URL Component field.

    The following fields are displayed on the on the URL Definition page:

    1. Facet Field Name – (Read-only) Shows the facet field name mapped from the Facet Fields subtab on the Web Site Setup page.

    2. Web Site – (Read-only) Shows the website associated with the facet. Note: One facet used on multiple sites has the same URL component and list of aliases for each site.

    3. URL Component – This field contains the URL component for the facet field.

    4. Alias – This is a list of URL Component aliases that were previously used for this facet field. You can add, modify or remove values in this list.

  5. Click Save.

Go back to the list on the URL Components for Facets page to view your changes. To see a list of all values for a certain facet, click View Values. You can also click Edit from the Facet Values List page to further modify facet values.


If you do not see expected updates to the list of URL components for facets, wait until the search index process is complete. If the list is still not updated, Rebuild the Search Index Manually.

Additional Notes on Managing URL Components for Facets

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