Classification Handling on Custom Transactions

The classifications that you can set on custom lines for a custom transaction depend on the configuration of the custom transaction type.

You can set the following preferences for departments, classes, and locations on a custom transaction:


Custom Lines Handling


No value is required for the department, class, or location on instances of the custom transaction.


Specify the classification at the header level for instances of the custom transaction.

All custom lines inherit this value. If you use a CustomLine method to set the classification value, NetSuite ignores the value and uses the header value on all custom lines.


Specify the classification at the line–item level for all lines on the custom transaction.

You must use a CustomLine method to set the value of the classification on each custom line created by the plug-in implementation. Otherwise, you cannot save the transaction.

The classification settings on a custom transaction override any general accounting preferences you specify at Setup > Accounting > Accounting Preferences. For example, you make the department classification required for transactions in the general accounting preferences, but set the Department option on a custom transaction type to None. Consequently, the Department classification is not required for instances of the custom transaction, overriding the general accounting preferences.

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