Multiple Currencies Examples

When you are working with custom lines in an account with multiple accounting books or multiple currencies, NetSuite automatically performs currency conversion in the following situations:

NetSuite converts the amount from USD to GBP when adding the custom line impact to the secondary book. For more information about the mapping of lines between primary and secondary accounting books by a Custom GL Lines plug-in implementation, see Custom GL Lines Plug-in Process Flow.

The currency to which NetSuite converts an amount depends on both the subsidiary and the accounting book currency. For example, a US company has two subsidiaries:

Subsidiary Name

Secondary Book 1 Currency

Secondary Book 2 Currency

United States






Any GL impact posts to the secondary accounting books based on the currency for the subsidiary accounting book. The GL impact displays in the currency for the accounting book, and not the currency that appears on the transaction for the transaction line items.

Converting Currency in a Custom GL Lines Plug-in Implementation

In general, you do not need to perform manual conversion of currencies if you are using the amounts of standard lines posted to a transaction to calculate the values of custom lines. However, if you want to use hard-coded currency values or retrieve an amount to use in a custom line from a source other than a standard GL impact line, you need to manually convert the currency amounts.

To perform the conversion, complete the following steps:

  1. Get the base currency. You can search for the base currency or get the base currency from the accounting book record. See Find the Base Currency and Base Currency from Accounting Book Record.

  2. Perform the conversion. Get the transaction-specific conversion rate from the accounting book record or convert using the nlapiExchangeRate API. See Transaction-Specific Exchange Rates or Convert Currencies with SuiteScript.

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