Convert Currencies with SuiteScript

The Exchange Rate column of the Currency Exchange Rates record displays the company-wide exchange rates. To access the Currency Exchange Rates record, go to Lists > Accounting > Currencies.

You can access these values with the nlapiExchangeRate(sourceCurrency, targetCurrency, effectiveDate) API. For more information, see SuiteScript 1.0 API Reference.

Use the following example code to perform a conversion using the company–wide exchange rates:

             function customizeGlImpact(transactionRecord, standardLines, customLines, book)
      var amountToAdd = 20; // USD
      var amountCurrency = 1; // internal id of USD currency in their account
      var subsidId = transactionRecord.getFieldValue('subsidiary');
      var bookId = book.getId();
      var targetCurrency = getBaseCurrency(subsidId,bookId); 
         var rate = nlapiExchangeRate(amountCurrency,targetCurrency);
         amountToAdd = amountToAdd * rate;
      var newLine = customLines.addNewLine();


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