Getting Started with Token-based Authentication

To set up token-based authentication (TBA) in your NetSuite account, you must complete the following tasks.

Click the links in the following steps for detailed instructions for each task.

To set up TBA in your NetSuite account:

  1. Enable the Token-based Authentication Feature.

  2. Set Up Token-based Authentication Roles.

    See also Token-based Authentication (TBA) Permissions.

  3. Assign Users to Token-based Authentication Roles.

  4. Create Integration Records for Applications to Use TBA.

  5. Manage TBA Tokens in the NetSuite UI.

Related Topics

Token-based Authentication (TBA)
Token-based Authentication (TBA) for Integration Application Developers
Troubleshoot Token-based Authentication (TBA)
Issue Token and Revoke Token REST Services for Token-based Authentication

General Notices