Create a Mexico UUID Plug-in Implementation Script File

You can use SuiteCloud IDE, or another JavaScript IDE or text editor, to create a JavaScript file that includes the business logic for your Mexico UUID plug-in implementation script file.

The following table describes the functions and objects available in a Mexico UUID plug-in implementation script file.

Function/Interface Object


getUUID(transactionType, internalID)

You must create an implementation of this function in the plug-in implementation script file. The script file can contain other helper functions.

The Tax Audit Files SuiteApp executes this function during generation of the Mexico Journal audit file. The SuiteApp executes this function one time for each transaction processed.

Transaction Type

The transaction type ID of the transaction currently being processed by the Tax Audit Files SuiteApp (for example, VendBill and CustInv).

For a list of NetSuite transaction types and their corresponding transaction type IDs, see Transactions.


The internal ID of the transaction currently being processed by the Tax Audit Files SuiteApp.

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