SCIS Audit Log

You can use the SuiteCommerce InStore (SCIS) Audit Log to track restricted operations that were performed during SCIS transactions. Restricted operations are events that require approval from authorized personnel. Audit logs are generated automatically after a restricted operation occurs.

The SCIS Audit Log shows the time and date when a restricted operation occurred. It includes the operation performed, the employee who initiated the operation, and the employee who authorized the operation. For example, it shows the clerk and the authorizing store manager.

Restricted operations include authorizing discounts greater than designated limits and performing unvalidated returns. The transaction topics in this guide include steps for where an authorization might be required.

Authorization to perform approvals is granted by assigning specific permissions to the authorizing employee’s role. For more information, see SCIS Roles and Permissions.


The option to view an audit log at the transaction-record level is limited to SuiteScript 2.0 setups.

To view an SCIS Audit Log:

  1. Go to Customization > Lists, Records, & Fields > Record Types.

  2. Find the SCIS Audit Log row and click List.

  3. Sort the list by clicking the header of the Date Created column.

    • Owner – Employee who started the restricted operation. This is the sales associate logged in to SuiteCommerce InStore

    • Date Created – Date and time when the operation occurred

    • Operation – Type of operation

    • Authorizer – Employee who authorized the operation, such as the store manager

      Transaction – Transaction in which the operation was performed. For example, if a sales associate applied a credit memo to an invoice, Invoice is the transaction that displays in this column. The transaction number is also include.

    • Approved – Yes or No depending on whether the operation was successfully authorized.

    • Detail – Column is not in use


    You can click the Owner and Authorizer fields to display their employee records.

  4. Click View for an audit log to begin reviewing the details.

    Similar to the audit log list, the page provides the Owner, Date created, and other details, including:

    • Operation - Action that required authorization

    • Transaction - Transaction number

    • Approved – A check mark means that the operation was approved


    To ensure audit logs are accurate, you should not Edit a log. Note that all changes to a record are logged in NetSuite, including audit log changes

  5. To view details about a transaction, click the Transaction link.


    To view restricted operations from the transaction details, click the Custom subtab and then SCIS Audit Log.

Audit Log Details In Transaction Records

You can also view an audit log while reviewing a transaction record, such as a sales order or return transaction.

Not every restricted operation is available at the transaction-record level. This table lists the transaction type and the restricted transaction operations that are logged:

Transaction Type

Restricted Operation Logged

Sales Order

Apply Credit Memo

Apply Gift Card

Global Discount (transaction total discount)

Line Discount (line-item discount)

Customer Deposit

Apply Terms

Pay with any payment method

Customer Deposit/Refund

Refunds with any payment method

Credit Memo

Unvalidated Return

Return Authorization

Validated Return

Restricted Operations Not Available from Transaction Records

These operations are only available for viewing from SCIS Audit Log records:

  • Configure Device

  • Convert Quote to Order

  • Create Quote

  • Edit Device Location

  • Remove Transaction

  • Resume Order

  • Store Manager Permission

  • Suspend Order

  • Update Quote

  • Void Line

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