Japan Localization SuiteApp Limitations and Best Practices

The following are the current limitations of the Japan Localization SuiteApp, as well as the best practices for using the features.

Compatibility with SuiteTax Feature

The Japan Localization SuiteApp does not support the SuiteTax feature yet. Limitations will be observed in the following scenarios:

Limitation with AutoCash and Installment Payments

The AutoCash and Installment Payments features are not supported by the Japan Localization SuiteApp. Transactions created using the AutoCash and Installment Payments features will not be included in the invoice summary search and generated report.

Invoice Summary Generation

Invoice Summary Regeneration

You cannot use the regenerate feature for invoice summaries created by previous versions of the Japan Localization SuiteApp earlier than Bundle ID 15580.

Accepting Payments for Invoice Summaries

On the Customer Payment page, when you select a customer in the Customer field, the system displays a warning that you are about to leave the page and that the transaction has not been saved. This is normal behavior. Click Leave this Page to continue working on the transaction.

If the number of transactions lines on the Customer Payment page exceeds 10,000, you may receive a session timeout error. To prevent timeout errors for customers with a high volume of transactions in the period, it is ed that you apply the payment in batches, or use the filters to narrow the search result.

Invoice summaries with open invoices are available for selection when applying a customer payment on the Customer Payment page. Available invoice summaries for selection include those that were created prior to version 2.00.0 of the Japan Localization SuiteApp.

Custom Fields

Custom fields included in the Japan Localization SuiteApp are shown on forms if the subsidiary or company is Japanese. These custom fields cannot be hidden on custom forms because the visibility of the fields is dependent on the country of the subsidiary or company.

General Notices