Viewing Revenue Recognition Plans

You can view detailed information for each revenue recognition plan. The revenue recognition plan record includes a header and a minimum of two subtabs. The Planned Revenues subtab includes the recognition details by accounting period. For more information, see Planned Revenues Subtab. The other default subtab contains the System Notes. Depending on the other features and preferences enabled in your account, you may have more subtabs.

To view a revenue recognition plan:

  1. Go to Revenue > Revenue Recognition Plans > View Revenue Plans.

  2. Click View next to a revenue plan.

You can also view revenue plans for a specific revenue arrangement or element. After revenue plans are created, individual revenue arrangements include a View Revenue Plans button. The button opens a popup window with a list of revenue plans for the arrangement. This window includes a Revenue Plan Type filter that enables you to select Actual, Forecast, or All revenue plans. Click the link in the Number column to open the revenue plan record.

To view revenue plans for a specific revenue element, on the revenue arrangement, go to the Revenue Recognition Plan column for the revenue element. This column has an icon Open icon, which is a square with an arrow pointing out of the upper right corner. When you click the icon, the popup window Update Revenue Recognition Plans opens with a list of revenue plans for that element. This window also includes a Revenue Plan Type filter. Click the link in the Number column to open the revenue plan record.

The following information is included in the header of each revenue plan:

Field Name


Accounting Book

Appears only when the Multi-Book Accounting feature is enabled.


Revenue plans are identified by number rather than name. The revenue plan number is configured on the Other subtab of the Set Up Auto-Generated Numbers page. For more information, see Set Auto-Generated Numbers.

Creation Triggered By

Link to the record that triggered the revenue recognition plan creation. For example, if the actual revenue plan is created on billing, the link is to the invoice record. If the plan is created on fulfillment, the link is to the item fulfillment record.

This field does not appear on forecast plans.

Created From

Link to the source revenue element

Revenue Recognition Rule

Link to the revenue recognition rule used to create the plan.

The following fields from the revenue rule are also included in the plan for convenience. For an explanation of the fields, see Revenue Recognition Rule Field Reference.

  • Recognition Method

  • Recognition Period

  • Period Offset

  • Start Offset

  • Revenue Term in Months

  • Revenue Term in Days

  • Amount Source

  • Revenue Recognition Start Date Source

  • Revenue Recognition End Date Source

  • End Date Change Impact

  • Initial Amount

Rev Rec Start Date

Date revenue recognition begins for this plan

Rev Rec End Date

Date the revenue plan ends


Total revenue amount included in the plan in the Revenue Recognition Plan Currency

Contract Acquisition Cost Amount (Base Currency)

Appears only when the Enable Advanced Cost Amortization accounting preference is checked.

Item Resale Cost Amount (Base Currency)

Appears only when the Enable Advanced Cost Amortization accounting preference is checked.

Item Labor Cost Amount (Base Currency)

Appears only when the Enable Advanced Cost Amortization accounting preference is checked.

Parent Line Currency

The transaction currency

Revenue Recognition Plan Currency

Same as the subsidiary base currency. When Multi-Book Accounting is enabled, it is the base currency for the accounting book and subsidiary.

Hold Revenue Recognition

When checked, revenue recognition journal entries cannot be generated for the plan. The plan status is On Hold. This box does not appear on forecast plans.


Link to the item record


Comments entered for the plan

Plan Exchange Rate

Exchange rate between the source currency (the Parent Line Currency) and the base currency (the Revenue Recognition Plan Currency). This exchange rate may not be the same as the exchange rate on the linked revenue element after a merge.

To calculate the plan exchange rate, divide the Amount on the plan by the Revenue Amount on the linked revenue element.

Remaining Deferred Balance

Total revenue amount less the total recognized as of the current date in the Revenue Recognition Plan Currency. This field does not appear on forecast plans.

Total Recognized

Revenue recognized as of the current date in the Revenue Recognition Plan Currency. This field does not appear on forecast plans.

Remaining Deferred Cost Balance

Total deferred expense less the Total Amortized in the Revenue Recognition Plan Currency.

This field is displayed only when advanced cost amortization is enabled. This field does not appear on forecast plans.

Total Amortized

Total deferred expense that has been amortized to date in the Revenue Recognition Plan Currency.

This field is displayed only when advanced cost amortization is enabled. This field does not appear on forecast plans.


Current status of the revenue plan. It can be one of the following:

  • Not Started – No revenue has been recognized yet.

  • In Progress – Some revenue has been recognized but not all.

  • On Hold – Some revenue may or may not have been recognized. No additional revenue can be recognized until the hold is removed.

  • Complete – All revenue has been recognized for this revenue plan.

When advance cost amortization is enabled, cost amortization is considered to determine whether the plan is In Progress or Complete.

This field does not appear on forecast plans.

Revenue Plan Type

Forecast or Actual. See Forecast and Actual Revenue Recognition Plans.

Catch Up Period

Empty until a plan that has been on hold resumes. When the hold is removed, the value in this field is determined by the Default Catch Up Period accounting preference. The field may remain empty, or it may be set to the current period or the first open period. Whatever the default, you can select a different period from this dropdown list. If the default is empty, you must select a period. The list begins with the earliest open period. You can change the catch up period to any open period. This field does not appear on forecast plans.

Periods that are locked for A/R as part of the period close checklist are generally not available to select as catch up periods. Those with the Administrator role or a custom role with the Override Period Restrictions permission may select periods that are locked.

This field does not appear on forecast plans.

Reforecast Method

Determines how future periods are adjusted when revenue forecast plans are recalculated. See Reforecast Method.

This field appears only on forecast plans.

Recalculation Adjustment Period Offset

Empty unless the Reforecast Method is Manual.

This field appears only on forecast plans.


When checked, the source of the revenue element for the plan is an intercompany transaction.

Planned Revenues Subtab

This subtab has two subtabs. They are Planned Revenues and Previous Revenue Plans. The Previous Revenue Plans subtab includes links to previous versions and displays the date of the change. When the accounting preference Enable Advanced Cost Amortization is checked, a third subtab is added called Cost Amortization Plan. For information about that subtab, see Cost Amortization Plans.

The following additional information is displayed for each line in the Planned Revenues subtab of an actual revenue plan:

Field Name


Planned Period

Period that revenue is expected to be recognized


Amount to be recognized for the period on this line in the Revenue Recognition Plan Currency

Line Exchange Rate

Reflects the Plan Exchange Rate. If the Plan Exchange Rate changes, this value is updated for all unrecognized lines. When a line is recognized, its Line Exchange Rate is locked at the Plan Exchange Rate when the revenue recognition journal entry is generated.


Link to the revenue recognition journal entry when revenue has been recognized in the period

Posting Period

Period the revenue recognition journal entry was posted

Deferral Account

Link to the account register for the deferral account. The account value is derived from the revenue element.

Recognition Account

Link to the account register for the recognition account. The account value is derived from the revenue element.

Date Executed

Date of the revenue recognition journal entry

Is Recognized

When checked, a manual journal entry must be created to recognize revenue. The revenue plan is not included on the Create Revenue Recognition Journal Entry page for the period on this line. The source from which the revenue element is created cannot be deleted when this box is checked.

You can edit this field only when revenue has not yet been recognized for that line.

% Recognized in Period

Percentage of revenue recognized, or to be recognized, for the period

% Total Recognized

Cumulative percentage of revenue recognized as of the period

Total Recognized

Cumulative amount recognized as of the period in the Revenue Recognition Plan Currency

Period Comments

Actual revenue plans only. This field contains optional comments about manual changes to the revenue plan in the specific period. The maximum comment length is 200 characters.

When changes in the revenue plan header cause unrecognized lines to be recreated, this field is cleared. If the field is cleared, its contents are available in the Previous Revenue Plans subtab.

Forecast plans display only the Planned Period, Amount, Deferral Account, and Recognition Account.

All revenue plan fields and fields on the Planned Revenues subtab are available for search.

Related Topics

Revenue Recognition Plans
Updating Revenue Recognition Plans
Editing Revenue Recognition Plans
Deleting Revenue Recognition Plans

General Notices