Customizing the Sales Order Form for Automatic Location Assignment

To work with fulfillment locations on a sales order, you can create a custom sales order form with several additional columns in the Items subtab. It is not mandatory to add these columns, but it gives you more flexibility and visibility when using automatic location assignment for sales orders. For example, you can keep the columns hidden in the sales order form used by customer service representatives, but you can show the fields in another custom form used by fulfillment managers.

You can also add the Automatic Location Assignment Configuration field to the Items subtab on the sales order form. Adding the field lets you select the automatic location assignment configuration you want NetSuite to use to assign locations. Only configurations associated with your subsidiary are shown in the field on the sales order – see Automatic Location Assignment Configurations for more information. Depending on how the Automatic Location Assignment feature is set up, a configuration might be selected by default when you open the sales order form. See Managing Automation Settings for Automatic Location Assignment for more information.


When you add the Location column, the Auto Assign Locations button also appears in the Items subtab. Clicking the button starts the automatic location assignment process and lets a user immediately view the locations assigned. The user can choose to either keep the locations assigned by saving the sales order, or change the locations assigned by editing the column and then saving the sales order. See Assigning Locations Automatically in a Sales Order for more information.

To customize the sales order form for automatic location assignment:

  1. Go to Transactions > Sales > Enter Sales Orders.

  2. Click Customize at the top of the form and then select Customize Form.

  3. In the Name field, enter a name to identify the form.

  4. Click the Screen Fields subtab and then click Columns.

  5. Add the Location, Location Auto Assigned, and Do Not Auto Assign Location fields to the form by checking the Show box for each item.

  6. Move the items up and down in the list to the desired position. Items at the top of the list correspond to the leftmost columns in the sales order form.

  7. To add the Automatic Location Assignment Configuration field:

    1. Click the Screen Fields subtab and then click Items

    2. Check the Show box next to the Automatic Location Assignment Configuration item.

  8. Click Save.

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