Outbound Single Sign-on (SuiteSignOn) Access from Your Web Store

The Outbound Single Sign-on feature, also called SuiteSignOn, enables user access to an external application from your web store. See Outbound Single Sign-on (SuiteSignOn) and SuiteSignOn Overview for more information about this feature.

The steps in setting up SuiteSignOn access to are to create a Suitelet, then create a single sign-on connection point. When the Suitelet is invoked (for example, from a menu) it will retrieve a response from the external application as configured on the Connection Points tab on the SuiteSignOn page.

For details about understanding and setting up the SuiteSignOn (Outbound SSO) feature, see Outbound Single Sign-on (SuiteSignOn).

SuiteSignOn access is supported for Commerce web stores, Site Builder, and reference implementation web stores.


Only a Suitelet connection point is supported for SuiteSignOn access from your web store. For more information, see Creating a Suitelet Connection Point.

  • For information about the SuiteScript 2.0 API, see sso.generateSuiteSignOnToken(options). The second code sample shows how to use generateSuiteSignOnToken(options) in a Suitelet script.

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