Working With Custom Segment Values

Custom segments are custom classification fields similar to class, department, and location. When the Custom Segments feature is enabled, an administrator working in the UI can create custom segments, define possible values for each segment, and apply the segments to specific record types. A custom segment appears as a field on instances of record types where the segment was applied. Users can then classify records by selecting the appropriate value for each segment.

You cannot use SOAP web services to create a custom segment. However, you can use SOAP web services to add, delete, and update segment values. You can manipulate values by using the CustomRecord class. The reason this approach works is that every custom segment defined in your system is also a custom record type. Therefore, whenever you create a value for a segment, in essence you are creating an instance of that record type.

A key aspect of working with custom segment values is identification of the appropriate segment. The way you identify the segment varies depending on your endpoint and the operation you are using. For details, see the following topics:


You can also use SOAP web services to set values for custom segments that appear as fields on record instances. For details, see CustomFieldLists for Setting Custom Segment Values.

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