Adding Brazil Tax IDs to Customer and Vendor Records (Former Brazil Localization SuiteApp)

Adding Brazil tax IDs to customer and vendor records can be done by standard NetSuite roles and custom roles that have permission to create and access entity records.

Brazil tax ID fields are available on the Financial subtab of customer and vendor records.


Brazil tax ID fields on vendor records are only displayed if a Brazilian subsidiary is selected in the Primary Subsidiary field.

Brazil tax ID fields:

The system shows a message if the format you entered is incorrect or when you save the record with an invalid value.

If Company is selected in the Type field, and a Brazilian subsidiary is selected in the Subsidiary field, the following fields are shown: CNPJ, State Tax Subscription, Municipal Subscription, and SUFRAMA Subscription.

In Individual is selected in the Type field, and a Brazilian subsidiary is selected in the Subsidiary field, the following fields are shown: CPF, State Tax Subscription, Municipal Subscription, and SUFRAMA Subscription.

Related Topics:

General Notices